Welcome to OnFitech.com
Here to inform and inspire others to explore the future of finance - Onchain Finance
Onchain Finance is when traditional finance activities are transacted on the blockchain
Onchain Tech
You need a "wallet" in order to transact onchain. There are many different ones available. Check out this one offered by Coinbase.
Onchain Names
Wallets have a long address (0x85cc...up to 62), but ENS solved that with easy to read names (ben.eth) or (003200.eth). Check it out.
A wallet name is a domain that can be bought and sold on the blockchain. Check out this marketplace called Vision.
Benefits of Onchain Finance
Here is a great article on Halborn.com by Rob Behnke explaining OnFi and it's benefits.
Top 5 OnFi Leaders
When the Ai search assistant, Grok, on X.com was asked "Who are the top 5 leaders in onchain finance" this list below was the reply.